Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Persuasive Writing

This term we have been learning about persuasive writing. I chose to do my writing about why kid should get out doors more. Here it is.

Why Kids Should Get Outdoors More

These days technology does everything for us! It makes everyone so lazy! In this text I will tell you why kids should get outdoors and should stop relying on technology.

Firstly, you get more exercise. To get more exercise you could: play sport, run around the block or if you have a dog you can take it for a walk.

Secondly, you will be happier. It is scientifically proven that light can change how you’re feeling, more light means more smiles. To top that it is also scientifically proven that physical activity lowers stress levels and helps you to relax.

Lastly, you heal faster. A study shows that people healing from spinal surgery experience less stress and pain, and took fewer pain medications while exposed to natural light. An older study shows that a view out of a hospital window can change how quickly you recover (nature vs brick wall: nature wins).

So as you can see by all of the health benefits of getting outdoors you’re better off going for a bush walk than playing on your PS4.

It was really fun writing our Persuasive Writing.

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